Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, process, use, share and protect information about you. It also tells you how you can access and update your information and make certain choices about how your information is used.

The Privacy Policy covers both “online” (e.g., web and mobile services, including any websites operated by us such as or Mobile Application, however accessed and/or used, whether via personal computers, mobile devices or otherwise) and “offline” (e.g., collection of data through mailings, telephone, or in person) activities owned, operated, provided, or made available by the Company. 

This Privacy Policy also applies to your use of interactive features or downloads that: (i) we own or control; (ii) are available through studio Services; or (iii) interact with the Services and post or incorporate this Privacy Policy.

BY ACCEPTING THE CUSTOMER TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY. Please review the following carefully so that you understand our privacy practices. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, do not accept the Customer Terms and Conditions or use our Services. This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into the Customer Terms and Conditions.

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through email address provided on our website and/ or Mobile Application.



We may ask you to provide us with certain Protected Information. We may collect this information through various means and in various places through the Services, including account registration forms, contact us forms, or when you otherwise interact with us. When you sign up to use the Services, you create a user profile. We shall ask you to provide only such Protected Information which is for lawful purpose connected with our Services and necessary to be collected by us for such purpose. The current data fields that might be requested for are:

· Full name

· Email

· Password

· Address

· Mobile phone Number

· Zip Code


· In addition to any Protected Information or other information that you choose to submit to us, we and our TPSP may use a variety of technologies that automatically (or passively) collect certain information whenever you visit or interact with the Services (“Usage Information”). This Usage Information may include the browser that you are using, the URL that referred you to our Services, all of the areas within our Services that you visit, and the time of day, among other information. In addition, we collect your Device Identifier for your Device. A Device Identifier is a number that is automatically assigned to your Device used to access the Services, and our computers identify your Device by its Device Identifier.

· In case of booking via call, dream different studio may record calls and chat histories for quality and training purposes.

· In case you book/ purchase a product through ‘dream different studio’, we may collect your preferences, your preferred address for details, purchase history and information pertaining to the service package purchased, and any additional documents that you may have shared with us, to facilitate such sale/ purchase. 

· Tracking information is collected as you navigate through our Services, including, but not limited to geographic areas.

· In case you upload an emergency contact (name and phone number) on your account / on the Mobile Application, we will be collecting and storing such contact information to share your ride details with that contact and for use in an emergency situation.

· In case you refer a friend to our services, we will be collecting and storing such contact information (name and phone number) to get in touch with your friend, to promote our services.

· Usage Information may be collected using a cookie. If you do not want information to be collected through the use of cookies, your browser allows you to deny or accept the use of cookies. Cookies can be disabled or controlled by setting a preference within your web browser or on your Device. If you choose to disable cookies or flash cookies on your Device, some features of the Services may not function properly or may not be able to customize the delivery of information to you. The Company cannot control the use of cookies (or the resulting information) by third parties, and use of third party cookies is not covered by our Privacy Policy.