NOTE* you can only cancel your post dated bookings under cancellation policy.

In case you wish to cancel your service, booked by you with (Snapbuddy) you could do so within 10 mins of the booking conformation. The cancellation would not be done after 10 mins or once our photographers reached at your location.

How to cancel service ?

Please write us {cancel} on whatsapp  +91 9310232731 with your (Order number). For any help or queries you may contact us at or +91 9899970320

Note : There is no cancellation for ( offline payment method bookings) 

Understanding Cancellation fees :

1. Cancellation fee is charged to compensate photographers for the time, effort and travel charges while trying to reach your location.

2. Cancellation fee amount may vary depending on the package you booked 


Refund initiated only after a cancellation is processed as per the cancellation policy. The refund amount will be refunded within 1 – 2 working days from the day of initiating the refund through online process. our team will contact to you before initiating the refund for conformation. For any help related to your refund  contact us via email or no.